F.G. Pryor and Sons

Philip Pryor and family are progressive thinkers and are well embarked on a regenerative farming future.

Here at Tregew they are planting up the southern facing fields with a herbal ley that will  revive the soil structure and be a tremendous food source for insects and birds. Elsewhere, cover crops have been planted to help bind the soil in between cropping and to prevent run-off and the leaching of minerals during the ever more common periods of heavy rain. These fields will then be grazed off by sheep before being planted with a successor crop.

All the remaining fields will be left with a 4 metre margin to providing habitat for bees and for the natural predators of insect pests. These margins will also provide a vital wildlife corridor for small mammals.




Opening Hours

The Foodbarn is open every Saturday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm

Where To Find Us

Tregew Farm
Tregew Road
TR11 5UQ